Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sunday Citar Quote

Citar means "to quote" in Spanish

my front yard morning glory

Since I love quotes and I'm in the process of building up my collection again I thought a good way to share those would be to join Fresh Mommy and her "Sunday Citar". The Fresh Mommy blog invites us to share interesting, insightful or funny quotes. I will be adding some of my favorite quotes (along with one of my photos) here to Inkspillers Attic. Visit Fresh Mommy and all the other sites who have joined the Sunday Citar. You will be happy you did as they all have some great quotes and reading them will help make your day better. It did mine.

Here is my quote for the day, to start you off.

"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."---Anonymous

I hope visiting my blog made you feel good today.
Thanks and visit often.


Attic Rat said...

It was a pleasure meeting you Saturday. We are going to try to get down there again, but we may wait until it is a little cooler. LOL I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog this morning. You are one busy lady! Thanks for the link to the Dover free clipart. I will have lots of fun with that!

You baby doll is adorable. I wish I still had mine but we moved around quite a bit while I was growing up.

It couldn't be summer without the song of the cicadas, could it?

Have a blessed day! = Teresa

Yvonne said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and it was good to meet you as well. I'll be seeing you around.