Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Convictions of an Artist, and Wall Art

 "The artist does not draw what he sees,
but what he must make others see."---Degas

I wanted to share with you
some simple yet elegant free hand 
wall  art I have seen.
These are not stencils!
Hope they inspire you!
This first one is a very large wall
that has been painted to look old
and then the very large design added.

7 elements of art...
shape, size, line, direction, texture, value and color

The next 2 photos show wall art
on a staircase wall.
I think it looks very elegant.

Convictions of an Artist

  1. motivation precedes action...create possibilities

  2. art is deliberately designed

  3. art interprets experience

  4. art is a creative action

  5. the artist must respond to fresh impressions...marvel

  6. the job is to communicate life

  7. the fun is the activity itself

  8. the quest for beauty requires craftsmanship

  9. the artist lives by wits

  10. don't wait to be noticed

  11. a work of art is a symbol

  12. each artist is self taught

Savor the Day!

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