Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tea day and art

This morning I am having some tea
that I picked up
at the local Middle Eastern market.

It's actually a very good black tea.
I always add a little agave nectar to my tea,
and sometimes some lemon.

Visit Kimmie for more tea posts.

Is there art on your tea packaging today?

Savor the Day!


Healing Woman said...

I love that tea package. Just think of all the fun you will have turning it into your are Yvonne. Thanks for showing.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I'm having loose leaf tea packed in plastic from my local tea shop, so NO, I have no art on my tea today. However, I really love yours. It is perfect. You find art is everything, which I admire about you!

my cup of tea said...

Sounds like a great day!
Happy TEA day!

Unknown said...

A local middle eastern market .... That would be very very cool :) .... I love the packaging - the writing is beautiful isn't it?

I have some soap that is ready to swap if you still want to do that :)