Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Awakening by Jamie Sams

(art doll by Yvonne)


Sacred Mystery,
Open my eyes so that I can see,
The part my judgments play in me.

Accept my grateful words of praise
For the love of life that's set ablaze.

I recall my spirit to the sacred fire
Where burns my heart's purest desire.

I banish all jealousy so I may replace
Envy's burden with the state of grace.

I will offer kindness in the face of pain,
Leaving revenge in the shadow's domain.

I embrace forgiveness so I will know
The grace of blessing every friend and foe.

                                                             --Jamie Sams

Jamie Sams 
is known for her Native American
wisdom and teachings. 
She is a bestselling author,
and also an artist,
who comes from a Cherokee,
Seneca, and French descent.

Her teachings will shine a light on your path,
and help you to....

Savor the Day!


Netty said...

wow your art doll is magical, fabulous work and love the words of Jamie Sams. x

Debra She Who Seeks said...

A beautiful prayer. I have a set of her Animal Power cards, with book.

Unknown said...

I love that! Savor the day - yes - and it's another beautiful one today!!